Reverse Bucket List

I was thinking about making a bucket list, but I think it’s too easy to become over-obsessed with the ideas of what we want to do, where we want to go, etc.  I think it’s more important to have gratitude for what we have already done; to make a list celebrating what we have achieved. Here is my list of some of  the best things I have achieved in the past 18 years:

-Started a blog

I started my blog 3 weeks ago and have been very happy with where it has gone so far!

-Won the (clogging) US Nationals Twice

Several years ago, my clogging team won the CCA and NCHC Nationals for the 2014/2015 season. Before I opened my own dance studio, I was on a national dance team in Bloomington IN. We traveled around the country and competed just like my own 3 teams do now.  CCA stands for Clogging Champions of America, and NCHC stands for National Clogging and Hoedown Championships.

-Opened A Dance Studio

In March of 2016, I opened my dance studio! It has been so fun and rewarding so far. My teams have done a competition in Cincinnati Ohio, and are preparing for an upcoming competition in Lexington, Kentucky In November!

-Traveled to almost all of the US states, and 3 countries

I have traveled so much with dance, and I have also been on many vacations.

This is a picture taken on the way up Pike’s Peak in Colorado.

-Performed in Disney World

In June of 2015, I was invited to perform at Walt Disney World in Florida! To say the least, It was amazing!

-Became a 10 Year 4H Member

4H was, and still is, a huge part of my life! In my 10 years, I was in 3 different clubs, earned over 300 ribbons, and I also held different officer positions including Treasurer and President. 4H is also what initially helped me find my passion for dance. I will continue to volunteer at the fair every year, and I am also the project superintendent for the Fine Arts project.

-Watched every episode of Friends at least 5 times

Friends is my absolute favorite TV show and has been for as long as I can remember. I have watched many many re-runs of the show on TV, Netflix, and I even own all of the seasons on DVD.


-Graduated Highschool

May 22nd, 2016 I graduated Highschool! I have been homeschooled my entire life and was lucky enough to be able to graduate through the state-wide graduation program a year early.

-Made It Into My Dream College

In 5th grade, I decided I was going to come to Purdue University for Animal Sciences. Not long after that, I set my goal towards breeding and training service dogs, and to this day that is still my long-term goal. As I got older, I saw how difficult it is to get into Purdue, and wondered if I would even get accepted. But, on my 17th birthday, I got my acceptance letter! I am now in my sophomore year, and the journey has been no less than amazing so far!




Thank you so much for reading, see you in my next post!!


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One thought on “Reverse Bucket List

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  1. This is an awesome blog! It’s a great thing to make a list of your achievements, so on those tough days, you can remind yourself how much God has already blessed you! Love you 💜

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