Fabulous: The Habit App Everyone Needs

Since I’ll be back at school in a month, I have been trying to find apps that will boost my productivity! My Dance Studio is really taking off now, and I need to be able to work on Studio stuff as well as School Work every single day. There have been several apps that I have started using this week, but this is just the first one!

This app is called Fabulous. It claims to help you build better habits, and keep you on track with your daily routines. At first, I was SUPER skeptical. How could it do everything it says to do? How could it make me want to do a list of things every day?

It turns out the app is way better than what I was initially thinking.

The app starts off by asking you what your main goal is: Lose Weight, Feel More Energized, Concentrate Better, or Sleep Better. I chose to Feel More Energized.

Next, you can make “rituals” or routines for morning, afternoon, and evening. I have one for all 3 of the times available.



First is my Morning Ritual. I set it for 8:00am because that is when I get up every day. This list is in the exact order that I want to do these tasks, and when I am ready to begin a ritual, I just press the Launch button, and it goes through every single thing on my list with me.


Next is my Afternoon Ritual. I usually eat lunch at 12:00 or 12:30, so 1:00 is the perfect time to begin this.


Lastly, I have my Evening Ritual. It’s set for 10:00 because that is my cut-off for studying every day. If I try to continue studying or doing homework past that time, I’m not very efficient and it’s a waste of time.



Another cool thing is that when you do each of the steps in your routine, it gives you a clock with the amount of time that the activity should take to keep you on time. It also sometimes gives you motivational sayings that go along with whatever task you are completing.


It also starts streaks for things that you have managed to complete every day! And, if you want to start slow with your routines, in the beginning, you can let the app decide how many things you will be doing per day, and it gradually builds up to what you want it to be!


Overall, I think this app is really awesome! It has helped me a lot in making sure that I do all the things I need to do every day in a small amount of time! I 100% recommend it to everyone!




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