Looking For Alaska: Book Review

“If people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane”

I know I’m 13 years late, but I just finished Looking For Alaska by John Green! He is one of my favorite authors, so I had really high expectations for this book. This was the first book that Green wrote, it was published in 2005.

This book really proves that you don’t have to love the characters in order to like the book. This story is about a boy named Miles “Pudge”, and how he decides to go to the same fancy boarding school that his dad went to in order to have a fresh start on life. Once he’s there he meets his roommate, “The Colonel”, and joins his circle of friends which includes Alaska Young, who he falls for.

The thing is, this group of kids smokes, drinks, pulls tons of pranks on the staff and rarely attends class. They are smart enough to have been accepted into this big boarding school, they just don’t seem to care about it that much.

The book is divided into 2 sections: Before, and After. The Before section is counting down to the main event, the chapters are all titled things like “one hundred days before”, “thirty-four days before”, and so on. And the After section is the same, only counting the days that came after the main event.

Overall, I liked the book! I rated it 4/5 stars on GoodReads. The characters weren’t like Green’s normal characters, but that didn’t make a difference in how much I liked the book as a whole. I love how Green mixed a Romance, Tragedy, and Mystery into one book, and how it flowed so well.

I definitely recommend this book to everyone! It is not nearly as good at TFIOS, but it is still one that everyone should read! Have you read Looking For Alaska? What did you think about it?

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