Back To College: What Courses Am I Taking? Fall 2018

Hey Everyone! I am going to continue my “Back To College” Series with talking about which classes I have chosen to take this semester!

ASL 201 – American Sign Language III – 3 Credits

This is my third semester taking ASL and I love it! Learning ASL is very different than learning a spoken language; for me, it is easier, but for others, it is more difficult.

COM 318 – Principles Of Persuasion In The 21st Century – 3 Credits

TBH I didn’t think I would be a big fan of this class, but it fills a requirement that I need to graduate. As it turns out, I love this class! So far we have started looking at persuasion from a psychological perspective, and it is super interesting!

YDAE 152 – Agricultural Communications + Mass Media – 3 Credits

This is my favorite class that I am taking this year! I recently switched my major from Animal Agribusiness to Agricultural Communications and this class that introduces the major and what you can do with it career-wise and gets us started with PR, Social Media, and the 2018 Style Book.

HORT 306 – History Of Horticulture – 3 Credits

This is an online class, and it fills my electives needed to graduate. It has been pretty boring so far, but at least it’s not taking up time in my day with lectures.

HORT 403 – Tropical Horticulture – 3 Credits

This is a much better Horticulture class! I am obsessed with plants, so I find this class really interesting. I’m also taking this one as an online elective. I’m taking two online courses while living at Purdue because of the fact that I’m performing in the New Year’s Day Parade in London and will be out of state several times throughout this semester for practices in Atlanta, Georgia and I don’t want to miss lectures.

That’s it! I am 15 credits this semester which is the number required by Purdue. I think this is going to be a good semester as far as classes go!

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