One Year On WordPress!

As of this week, I have been a member of WordPress for 1 whole year! I have now published over 50 blogs, and am learning so much about what readers want, and how to attract more attention. I have definitely not been as active as I could have the past year, but thank you so... Continue Reading →

Back To College: What Courses Am I Taking? Fall 2018

Hey Everyone! I am going to continue my "Back To College" Series with talking about which classes I have chosen to take this semester! ASL 201 - American Sign Language III - 3 CreditsThis is my third semester taking ASL and I love it! Learning ASL is very different than learning a spoken language; for... Continue Reading →

UNBOXING: August Ipsy Glam Bag!

Today I received my first Ipsy bag! This means that I will now be doing monthly unboxing blogs! The price I paid  = $10.00 The total retail price of my bag = $63.00 Here are the products that I received in my August Glam Bag! Bag This super cute bright orange bag screams August! Pixi... Continue Reading →

Ulta Haul!

Yesterday I went to Ulta to buy some things that I need for school! A couple things were items that I have previously used, but most of it was new things that I haven't tried yet! Here is a list of the items I purchased! Soap & Glory: Vitamin C Facial Wash I love Soap... Continue Reading →

Noodle Goes To The Vet!

I've had a lot of requests to post more about Noodle, so here you go! A few days ago I took Noodle to his first vet appointment for a checkup and Rabies shots. He will be going back in 2 weeks to get his Canine Distemper Vaccine! As you can tell, he didn't mind the... Continue Reading →

August Bullet Journal Setup!

For the month of August, I chose Sunflowers as my theme. I really switched up my layout too! I changed to something that will work better now that I will be moving back to school in a couple weeks. Here is my August Cover Page. I did a simple calendar on the left page and... Continue Reading →

Looking For Alaska: Book Review

"If people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was a hurricane" I know I'm 13 years late, but I just finished Looking For Alaska by John Green! He is one of my favorite authors, so I had really high expectations for this book. This was the first book that Green wrote, it was... Continue Reading →

Nike Free Tr 8 Trainers

So I recently purchased my tennis shoes for this school year and I don't think I've ever liked a pair of tennis shoes as much as I like these! They are the Nike Free Tr 8 Trainers, and I got them in the color Guava Ice / Beige. First of all, these shoes are crazy... Continue Reading →

I Bought A Ferret!

Hey guys! On July 20th I bought a ferret! I've always loved ferrets and have really been wanting one for a year now, so I'm super excited that I finally have one!   This is Noodle! He was born on May 6th, 2018 and is a Cinnamon Gib. He's SO cute! He's currently really small... Continue Reading →

July Bullet Journal Setup

Another month, another Bullet Journal Set Up! I really tried to condense my spread this month and managed to fit my habit tracker and weekly pages on the same page. Here is my cover page: I used a mixture of pencils and markers to do the colors on this page. I really like it because... Continue Reading →

Formula 10.0.6 Acid Pads

This is the second thing that I am reviewing from my Ulta Haul! Let me just say, I LOVE these way more than I thought I would! The Formula 10.0.6 So Totally Clean Pads are soaked with Salicylic Acid which chemically exfoliates skin, and helps with breakouts. Normally, So Totally Clean is a liquid that comes in... Continue Reading →

Lemonade Craze Vox Box!

I received the Lemonade Craze Palette complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes and thought I would share my opinions with you! I've recently become addicted to Influenster! I joined a couple months ago and have already received my first vox box!!! It was from Maybelline, and It included the Lemonade Craze Eyeshadow Palette and their... Continue Reading →

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