College : Expectations vs Reality

College. Nothing can totally prepare you for what it will be like. It’s hard to know exactly how the college experience is going to go, so here are some of the expectations people have going into college, and how they actually turn out.

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EXPECTATION: “I’ll only take the elevator up to my room, like, once a day”

REALITY: *Hasn’t used the stairs in 7 weeks*

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EXPECTATION: “Living in a dorm with 50 other people isn’t gross!”

REALITY: Yes. It. Is.


EXPECTATION: “I love the dining court food! I’ll eat here every day!

REALITY: *Avoids dining courts like the plague; hasn’t been there since the first month of the semester*

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EXPECTATION: Turning heads with all of your sophisticated new college outfits.

REALITY: After 2 weeks, embracing the sweatpants and hoodies just like everyone else.


EXPECTATION: “I’ll get to make my own schedule, and sleep till noon every day!”

REALITY: You get to make your own schedule, but most classes only have 1 or 2 options for times. You could easily have 7:30 or 8:30 classes 3 times a week, especially if you’re a freshman.

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EXPECTATION: “I’m going to hang out with all of my new friends all. the. time!”

REALITY: You will want alone time. And if you are living in a dorm, it is very difficult to get. Sometimes it’s nice to have your own space.

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EXPECTATION: Little homework, and lots of free time. “YASSS!”

REALITY: Staying up until 3 a.m. trying to get through the 400 pages of reading and 2 homework assignments before your class the next morning.


EXPECTATION: Your dorm room will look just as good as dorms do in the ads.

REALITY: Room? More like a closet crammed with oddly shaped furniture.

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EXPECTATION: You don’t have any classes today, so you can spend the entire day napping.

REALITY: Living off of Starbucks while you cram a semester’s worth of reading into 48 hours, when you could’ve been reading during all of those naps.



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College is the place where life really starts. You meet life-long friends who will stay with you throughout the years of mid-terms, coffee dates, and all-nighters. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, you tend to expect something that is different from reality, but sometimes reality ends up being a lot better than you expected.


Thank you so much for reading, see you in my next post!


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