Fall Decor Essentials

In five short days, it will officially be fall! I love everything about fall;  fall clothes, fall food, and especially fall decorations! I always decorate my room with fall decor, so here are some little things you can do to add a touch of fall to your home!

1. Sprinkle Small Pumpkins In Various Areas

I love white pumpkins because they go with everything! I also enjoy using glitter and metallic pumpkins, but if you want the signature fall “pop” of color, go with orange!


2. Get A Fall Throw 

Throws are a great and simple way to decorate for fall! You can get fall colors and prints like oranges, reds, and plaids. They will make the area look warm and cozy!


3. Use Acorns 

You can preserve real acorns, or buy faux acorns! You can also paint them! Decorate by filling a vase with them, or putting them on a string.



4. Use Leaves

There are a lot of options when it comes to decorating with leaves! You can put them in vases, put them around decorative pumpkins, or hang them! You can spray paint them, make them glittery, or just preserve them with a clear coat to let them look natural!



5. Light A Fall Scented Candle

Or even just set a fall candle out somewhere! There are so many amazing fall smells, some of my favorites are Pumpkin Pie, Cinnamon, Apple Orchard, Carrot Cake, Leaves, Carmel Apple, Roasted Chestnut, and Spiced Cranberry!



These are some of my favorite things to decorate for fall! They are very simple, and won’t take much time, but will leave your home looking great!


Thank you so much for reading, see you in my next post!



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